This post is about inspirational words that start with the letter “S.” Using positive language in everyday life can have a profound impact.
This list of positive words that start with “S” can describe a person, positive feeling, or experience.
Whether you want to create some positive affirmations, are looking for a word with a positive vibe to put in a letter for a dear friend, or use it in all sorts of other ways like a word finder or search, cover letters, email address, or Scrabble, I’ve got some great ideas for you!
This list of powerful words is in alphabetical order, so you can easily find what you need! These are all common English language words.

Powerful S Words
There are a lot of words on the list of words below, but six of the most positive words on this list are:
- Success – to accomplish an aim or purpose
- Strength – the ability to able to withstand great force or pressure
- Self-Improvement – to improve one’s knowledge, character, or status
- Support – to give assistance
- Self-Care – the practice of taking care of oneself
List of Positive S Words
Here’s the complete list of positive words that start with S!
- sacred
- sacrificial
- safe
- safely
- safety
- sage
- saint
- salaam
- salutation
- salute
- salvation
- salve
- samaritan
- sanctify
- sanctimony
- sanctum
- sane
- sanguine
- sanity
- sartorial
- sassy
- satiate
- satisfaction
- satisfied
- saucy
- savant
- savor
- savvy
- scenic
- scholar
- scintillate
- score
- scrappy
- scrummy
- scrumptious
- seamless
- seasoned
- seaworthy
- secure
- security
- seemly
- self-assured
- self-care
- self-disciplined
- self-love
- self-respect
- selfless
- sensation
- sensational
- sense
- sensibility
- sensible
- sensitive
- sensual
- sentient
- serenade
- serendipity
- serene
- serious
- serve
- settle
- share
- sharp-witted
- sheltered
- shimmer
- shimmering
- shine
- shiny
- shininess
- showy
- significant
- silver
- silvery
- simple
- simplicity
- simplify
- sincere
- sincerity
- skill
- skillful
- sleek
- smart
- smile
- smitten
- smooth
- snug
- snuggle
- soar
- scoring
- sociable
- social
- socialization
- socialize
- society
- soft
- soft-hearted
- softer
- solemn
- solemnly
- solicitude
- solidarity
- solution
- soothe
- sophisticate
- soundness
- sparkle
- sparkling
- special
- specialty
- spectacular
- speed
- spellbinding
- spice
- spicy
- spiffy
- spirited
- spiritual
- splendent
- splendid
- splendor
- spontaneity
- spontaneous
- sporting
- sportsmanship
- sporty
- spotless
- sprightly
- spring
- springy
- sprite
- sprout
- spry
- spunk
- stability
- stabilize
- stable
- stalwart
- stamina
- stand-alone
- star
- star-studded
- stardom
- starry
- stately
- statuesque
- steadfast
- steadfastness
- steadily
- steady
- stealth
- steamy
- steely
- stellar
- stillness
- stimulate
- stimulating
- straightforward
- strategic
- street-wise
- striking
- strive
- strong
- structured
- stunning
- stupendous
- stylish
- suave
- sublime
- substantial
- succeed
- success
- successfully
- succinct
- sugary
- sultry
- sumptuous
- sun-kissed
- sunniness
- sunny
- super
- superb
- superhero
- superhuman
- superior
- supernatural
- support
- supported
- supreme
- surmountable
- surprise
- survive
- sustainable
- svelte
- swagger
- sweetly
- sweetness
- swift
- swiftness
- sympathetic
- sympathize
- synergistic
Our long list of nice words hopefully gives you some great ideas for unique letter “S” words.
However you use them, I hope they come in helpful and you’ve found some new words that will become some of your favorite positive words to use daily!