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110 Five-Letter Inspirational Words

This post is about inspirational words that have five letters.

Whether you’re looking for a word with a positive vibe to put in a letter for a dear friend or use it in all sorts of other ways like a word finder or search, email address, or Scrabble, I’ve got some great ideas for you!

This list of powerful words is in alphabetical order, so you can easily find what you need! These are all common, English words.

A list of five letter words

List of Positive Words

Here’s the full list of five-letter words that are meaningful and inspirational!

  1. Adore
  2. Agile
  3. Agree
  4. Alive
  5. Allow
  6. Ample
  7. Angel
  8. Arise
  9. Awake
  10. Award
  11. Aware
  12. Become
  13. Begin
  14. Blaze
  15. Bling
  16. Bliss
  17. Bloom
  18. Bonny
  19. Boost
  20. Brave
  21. Bright
  22. Build
  23. Champ
  24. Charm
  25. Cheer
  26. Claim
  27. Dance
  28. Dandy
  29. Depth
  30. Dream
  31. Drive
  32. Climb
  33. Crave
  34. Eager
  35. Enjoy
  36. Extra
  37. Exude
  38. Faith
  39. Fancy
  40. Favor
  41. Feast
  42. Flair
  43. Focus
  44. Forge
  45. Fresh
  46. Funny
  47. Gains
  48. Giddy
  49. Grand
  50. Grace
  51. Great
  52. Happy
  53. Heady
  54. Heart
  55. Honor
  56. Human
  57. Humble
  58. Humor
  59. Jolly
  60. Laugh
  61. Learn
  62. Light
  63. Logic
  64. Loyal
  65. Lucky
  66. Magic
  67. Merit
  68. Mirth
  69. Moral
  70. Order
  71. Party
  72. Peace
  73. Piety
  74. Pride
  75. Prove
  76. Queen
  77. Raise
  78. Ready
  79. Relax
  80. Renew
  81. Right
  82. Samba
  83. Serve
  84. Share
  85. Sharp
  86. Shine
  87. Shiny
  88. Skill
  89. Silly
  90. Smart
  91. Smile
  92. Spark
  93. Sunny
  94. Style
  95. Sweet
  96. Teach
  97. Thank
  98. Trust
  99. Truth
  100. Union
  101. Unity
  102. Valid
  103. Value
  104. Vigor
  105. Vital
  106. Whole
  107. Worth
  108. Yummy
  109. Zesty
  110. Zippy


Hopefully, this list gives you some great ideas for unique words. However you use them, I hope they come in helpful and you’ve found some new powerful words to use!