This post is about inspirational words that start with the letter “R”. Using positive language in our everyday life can have a profound impact.
This list of positive words that start with “R” can be used to describe a person, feeling, or experience.
Whether you want to create some positive affirmations, are looking for a word with a positive vibe to put in a letter for a dear friend, or use it in all sorts of other ways like a word finder or search, email address, or Scrabble, I’ve got some great ideas for you!
This list of powerful words is in alphabetical order, so you can easily find what you need! These are all common, English language words.

Powerful R Words
There are a lot of words on the list below, but six of the most powerful positive words on this list are:
- Resilience – the ability to recover quickly from difficulties
- Resourceful – able to quickly and cleverly overcome difficulties
- Robust – strong, healthy, and able to withstand stress and discomfort
- Relentless – persistent, determined, and refusing to give up
- Resolute – determined and unwavering in purpose
- Rebound – recovering quickly from a setback
Resilience shows a person’s ability to overcome adversity. It shows a certain mental toughness and strength of character. It’s a quality that can be cultivated through hard work and determination.
Resourcefulness similarly shows the way a person overcomes problems and trials, through ingenuity. Whether through cleverness or sheer grit, how resourceful you are will be on display when you are confronted with difficult times.
Robustness is often associated with a strong body but it’s more than that – it’s a drive that is healthy enough to take on life’s challenges.
Relentlessness is the persistent and unwavering decision to not give up. Whether this is in a physical pursuit like running a marathon or a mental goal of getting out of bed on every tough day, it is constantly showing up.
Resoluteness is pursuing purpose to the end. Similar to being relentless, it is a dogged pursuit of one’s goal.
The ability to rebound with great speed from a setback shows all of the words above – a resoluteness of spirit, a robustness of will, a relentless drive, a resourceful mind, and a resilient way of being.
List of Positive R Words
Here’s the full list of positive words that start with R!
- rad
- radiant
- radiantly
- radical
- rainbow
- raise
- rally
- rapid
- rapidly
- rapport
- rapt
- rapturous
- rare
- rarefied
- razzle-dazzle
- reachable
- ready
- reaffirm
- real
- reap
- realist
- realize
- reasoned
- reassuring
- rebirth
- reborn
- rebuild
- receive
- receptive
- recommence
- recharge
- reciprocate
- reclaim
- recognition
- reconcile
- recommendation
- record-breaking
- recover
- redeem
- redefined
- redevelop
- refined
- reflective
- reform
- refresh
- refreshed
- refreshing
- refulgent
- regal
- reign
- reincarnate
- rejoicing
- rejuvenating
- relaxed
- relaxing
- relentless
- reliable
- relish
- relish
- remarkable
- remedy
- renewable
- renewal
- renowned
- replenish
- reputable
- reshape
- resilient
- resolute
- resolution
- resonate
- resourceful
- respect
- respondent
- responsible
- rest
- restart
- restore
- revel
- revelation
- revere
- reverie
- revitalized
- revival
- revolutionize
- reward
- rewarding
- rich
- right
- righteous
- rightness
- rigor
- rigorous
- rip-roaring
- rise
- rising
- ritzy
- riveting
- roar
- roaringly
- robust
- root
- rosy
- rousing
- royal
Hopefully, our long list of nice words gives you some great ideas for unique letter “R” words.
However you use them, I hope they come in helpful and you’ve found some new words that will become some of your favorite positive words to use in your daily life!