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30 Ways to be an Extraordinary Person

We all want to be better versions of ourselves. That’s why we have a $10 billion self-help industry.

Here are a few ways to be an extraordinary person while still being uniquely you.

Have some better ideas? Let us know in the comments below!

A woman blowing bubbles.

1. Be a great listener (listen as much as you talk…maybe even more).

2. Try to learn something from every person you meet.

3. Accept compliments and make a habit of giving them to other people.

4. Find at least one creative hobby and stick with it till you get good.

5. Practice forgiveness and let grudges go.

6. Surprise people with random acts of kindness.

7. Stop gossiping and walk away from situations where others are gossiping.

8. Be encouraging.

9. Read one great book a month.

10. Say (or write down) five things you are grateful for each day.

11. Work on shutting down negative self-talk. Call yourself out for it and remind yourself to be kinder.

12. Show up to things on time.

13. Accept constructive criticism but ignore malicious attacks.

14. Do something that makes you nervous, so you have the chance to be courageous.

15. Meditate daily.

16. Set monthly and annual goals for yourself.

17. Don’t discriminate. Give everyone equal treatment.

18. Choose one thing a week to organize it and get it to a place you’re proud of.

19. Be gentle with yourself and others.

20. Find a mentor that you trust and who will give you honest advice.

21. Be humble.

22. Stop and pay attention to small things. Savor and appreciate them.

23. Get 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night.

24. Stand up for yourself, even when it’s hard.

25. Volunteer your time or money for a cause you care about.

26. Try something new each week (or each day).

27. Be kind whenever possible (hint: it’s always possible).

28. Give your parents a call and ask them about their week.

29. Be dependable. Show up when you say you’ll show up.

30. Always assume the best about others. Give them the benefit of the doubt.

What are your favorite ways to be an extraordinary person?